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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome to my Direct & Affiliate Marketing Blog!

Hello and welcome to my Direct & Affiliate Marketing Blog. I created the blog in order to consolidate all my direct and affiliate marketing programs in one place and also to provide education on the Direct and Affiliate Marketing industries.

I have added videos to the blog to help explain what Direct and Affiliate Marketing entails and why the industries have grown so significantly here in the US and perhaps worldwide. 

The basic fact is that the world as we knew it has changed significantly following the collapse of the financial markets. The income security that we once enjoyed is now threatened. Companies continue to layoff employees and downsize due to the prolonged recession and uncertainties about the economy and growth of demand for products and services. 

A significant number of extremely well-qualified professionals now find themselves out of a job market that has changed significantly and would most likely never be restored to what it once was.

A lot of these professionals now realize that it is time to take the bull by the horn and use their professional and technical skills to chart their own path to financial independence.

Direct and Affiliate Networking Marketing that allows an individual to generate a diversified stream of income from the marketing of products and services that people use and want is one of the ways of charting one's own path to financial independence.

The problem is that there are so many programs and tools that are available to choose from and there is way too much noise from inexperienced network marketers.

Through this blog I will help my associates and others to narrow down the field in terms of a few good programs and tools that can enable you to achieve the financial success we all seek.

I will also share information on marketing techniques and strategies that can enable my associates and others to achieve success.

As part of my strategy of generating a stream of diversified income, I am a Marketing Associate of two direct marketing programs; and also participate in related affiliate programs that also generate residual income.

I have embedded videos from both companies in the blog and have also provided links to my websites and the affiliate programs.

If you are interested in joining us on this journey of financial independence, please do not hesitate to contact me by visiting my website and completing the fields for contacting me.

I invite you to join me on this voyage to create a Direct and Affiliate Marketing business that ensures the financial independence that we all dream of. The independence to spend time with family, help others and pursue the projects that we feel passionate about! I look forward to hearing from you and perhaps working with you as a member of my team!

Thanks again for visiting my blog. Please visit often to determine "What Is "New" and feel free to forward the blog link to others.

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